Blog 6
Progress from February 4 - February 17th From February 4th through February 17th the team has worked on acquiring the material for the machinist, providing final engineering drawings for the machinist to fabricate, and has begun prototype testing for the validation. The team received the first order of the materials on February 4th and the second order on February 8th. The team also finalized the engineering drawing for the machinist on February 9th and sent in the drawings on February 14th. The team expects to receive the uprights from the machinist in an estimated time frame of March 8th. To begin and get a head start on the validation plan, Dr. Agrawal suggested the team utilize old uprights from the previous competition year and test our validation setup. The team decided on using the uprights from the 2018 competition year and began testing the validation setup on February 14th. The team has tried two setups for securing the upright in a fixed position for the force applicat...